Android Apps

ReZ Launcher Get it on Google Play

My recreation of Nokia’s discontinued Z Launcher, with my own take on it.

Written in Kotlin & Jetpack Compose & incorporated with Google ML Kit Digital Ink.

poc’s Film Tracker Get it on Google Play

An inventory manage app for managing user’s film usage and personal stock.

Written in Kotlin, Jetpack Compose and other Jetpack libraries.

Morse Code Torch Get it on Google Play

Make morse code signal with your phone’s flashlight, screen & vibrator.

Original written in Java & XML, Re-written in Kotlin & Jetpack Compose.

(ON PAUSE) poc’s Toolbox

An multi-tool Android app with multiple small functions that can be easily accessed.

Other Programming Projects

Small Scripts

Some scripts I wrote, maybe you can find something useful in it.

Reverse Proxy for Jobe

A reverse proxy for written in Python using Flask and Requests.

This is the graduation project for my bachelor degree in computer science.

It’s a reverse proxy that implements Jobe’s REST API in order to do load balancing over multiple Jobe backend instances.

Most of its code was written around July and August of 2020, I’m a little proud of myself for finish writing this from scratch in this short amount time.

I’m thinking about doing a rewrite or update to this project because there’s a lot of stuff I think I can redesign and improve.

Rock Paper Scissors VB

A rock paper scissors game written in .NET Framework with Visual Basic.

It’s a silly rock paper scissor game where you can choose if the player win every time or the program win every time.

This is kind of a joke project for me, it’s for the final of a basic-level course I had in my senior year. From start to finish this took me about 8 hours complete.

Kao The Kangaroo 2 PAK Tools

A script to unpack Steam version Kao The Kangaroo 2’s *.pak file

This was my attempt to write a script to unpack this game’s *.pak file using Python.

It works well enough but it was my earlier project so part of the code made me cringe a little bit.